March 29, 2008

Spring Break! Whoo!

Yep, that's right. I'm on Spring Break. So what did I do with my first day off? I went to a tour of the new jail facility Mr. Cool will be working in, and then I went to a teacher store to stock up for the next two months. (A big shout out to Knowledge Bound in Windsor--if you are a teacher in northern CO, go there.)

Plans? Well, we (I) hope to: paint, clean, fix good meals, work out, go to the museum, go to a yarn shop, knit, read, plan a plethora of Greek lit. lessons (coming up: The Odyssey, Antigone, and Greek mythology), visit the Denver Museum of Nature and Science for Gold, see a movie, eat nice food, work on my knitting club for teens, ride the motorcycle, clean the van inside and out, and relax. Whew!

Here, I'll be counting down my five best Spring Breaks ever. Feel free to share your own!

#5: Spring Break 2007--Utah and Arizona, including the Grand Canyon
Mark and I hit the road right after school, to drive through Colorado to Utah, where we enjoyed Monument Valley. We then hit the Grand Canyon, and stayed in Scottsdale at my grandparent's house.
Best Moment: Finally seeing the Grand Canyon, which even after 27 years of hype was amazing.
Worst Moment: Being quite sick with a head cold almost the entire week. Fresh, blooming air and swimming were much less fun.

An inspring sight at the Grand Canyon

Mr. Cool and I at the Grand Canyon

I collect pictures of themed Coke machines at national parks/monuments.


Hannah said...

1) Can I go with you to the Gold exhibit?

2) Can we take the motorcycle?

The Coach said...

My best spring break trip ever: to the Grand Canyon. 5 college friends plus 1 minivan (with a microwave in tow to cook meals) + $62 each = fun!

Amanda said...

Hannah--What are your plans for Tuesday/Wednesday? E-mail me! (Although the answer to #2 is a probably not, not if you're thinking of three people!)

Coach--Grand Canyon is a great Spring Break place--thanks for sharing!