March 09, 2009

One Year

So, I had just finished moving my desks into CSAP appropriate rows, when I thought to myself, "Huh, self, didn't we blog about CSAP last year? Are we getting close to our blogiversary?"

So, I went to my blog, searched my archives, and discovered that low and behold, March 9 is my blogiversary. A year ago, on a Sunday, I sat down and wrote three quick posts--one on the purposelessness of my blog, another on my awesome birthday cake, and a third on the best poem I think I've written.

Since then, me and Mr., Mr. Cool, have created 215 posts. Shocking, I know. I know I've slowed down here a bit, as gestating and teaching have taken more of my time, but I still love to write for this little corner of the web, and I appreciate everyone who reads.

Thanks--and here's to one more year 'til revolution. Please don't nip it in the bud.


Anonymous said...

Way to go Mrs. Cool. It has been quite a year! I've enjoyed most of it, but I wouldn't have enjoyed it half as much if you hadn't been a part of it! I love you tons!

Mr. Cool

Hannah said...

Hip hip hooray for my favorite, faithful, clever, thematic (knitting, presidents, pregnancy), educational, and all around Cool-est blog!