August 07, 2010

Stay-At-Home Mom Files: Reading & Watching

So, I took a week off from the computer. Not because I was on it too much, but I was choosing it over reading and knitting during my free time. I missed it. Mostly, I missed Ravelry and looking up patterns for my sock yarn. I did get a chance to do some summer re-reading, and reading of new books, and if you love Lego, I can recommend Lego: A Love Story by Jonathan Bender. I enjoyed a trip into the world of Lego, and it helped me contemplate whether or not I'll let the wee lad play with my Star Wars and Indiana Jones sets when he gets older. If you don't feel like reading, I can recommend Helvetica, a documentary on the font, Helvetica. As a self-proclaimed font nerd, I can definitely recommend this, and if you're anything like me, you will find yourself studying every sign for a hint that it might be in Helvetica. Hint: check the capital A, G, and R, and the lowercase a, c, and h.

What have you been up to?


Jennifer Miller said...

I love Fonts...though, even as a designer, I tend to stay away from overly used fonts!

I might have to check out these books! :D

As for letting him play with your SW sets...hmm... they make some pretty awesome little ones now! I have them decorating my office (well, when I had one).

Amanda said...

Ah, you should watch Helvetica! I typically avoid any totally obvious font, and must confess that the last few years I taught I overused LOTR hobbit fonts. I love the Star Wars sets--I have the classic landspeeder with Obi-Wan, for which he might have to be a bit older! Thanks for all the comment love, Jennifer!